More and more people are now switching to a SIM-only deal and saving money. Have you considered using a SIM-only deal? Here at Flexsimba, we can give you a few reasons as to why this is becoming a firm favourite.
Firstly, SIM-only deals work out cheaper because you’re not paying for a mobile phone in addition to your minutes, texts and data you’ll need. With Flexsimba you just pay for your data, minutes and texts upfront, no credit check, no contract, no problem.
With Flexsimba, all of our plans have unlimited texts and the minutes and data depending on the plan, which are very competitive!
You’re not locked into a contract. You just choose to pay monthly (normally every 30 days) and you can change, pause or stop whenever you like, with any of our 4 plans starting from just £10 a month. You don’t need to worry about topping up regularly like the PAYG deals. Any unused data rolls into the next month AND every 3 months, Flexsimba will give you a FREE DATA BOOST of 500mb to enjoy. You will get that data from then on EVERY MONTH for no extra cost.
It’s easy to control too. Our flex plan allows you to check your allowance, manage payments, change your plan, buy data and add-ons and check your free data boosts.
You can also keep your existing number if you wish, simply ask for a PAC code from your old network provider.
This would be a great deal for teenagers too- always contactable yet with a level of control over their usage by parents.
To take advantage of this great opportunity, find us at www.flexsimba.co.uk and click “BUY NOW” on whichever plan you feel will suit you the most. Your new SIM card will be with you, free of charge, within a few days. Yet another to reason to give it a go!
Flexsimba, flex-simple